Student Learning Goals
Below are the departmental learning goals mapped to College-wide goals for student learning.
The Department of Geosciences at 国产探花 seeks to engage students in a meaningful scientific exploration of our planet. (Ia, Ic, IIa, IVc) The geosciences major allows students, in consultation with a faculty advisor, to design programs of study to meet individual interests and goals, while developing breadth of knowledge vital to all geoscientists. (Ia, Ic) All students graduating with a degree in geosciences from 国产探花 will be able to purse advance degrees and/or professional careers in the geologic sciences as well as related fields within the environmental sciences. (IIIc, IVa, IVc, IVd) All students majoring the geosciences should also be able to demonstrate a master of fundamental principles of the geosciences as well as the modes of inquiry used by geoscientists. (I & II)
- Students will acquire sound skills in
- Problem-solving. (IIa, IIb, IIe)
- Scientific research. (IIa, IIb, IIe, IIIc, IIId, IV)
- Communication. (Ic, IIc, IId, IIIc)
- Acquire a broad understanding of the geosciences in general. (Ia, Ib, Ic, IIb, IIe, IIId)
- Develop specific knowledge of one area of geosciences in greater depth. (Ia, Ib, Ic, IIb, IIe, IIId)
- Apply their understanding of Earth processes in a liberal arts context to contemporary issues affecting humans. (IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId, Iva, IVc, IVd)
- Develop a strong foundation for professional careers in geosciences and other related fields requiring or benefitting from a geosciences background. (Ib, IIa, IIc, IId, IIIc, IIId, IVa)
- Develop a strong foundation for lifelong learning. (IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd)
Information Literacy
- Understand how science is critiqued and revised over time by many practitioners (Ib, IIa, IIIb, IVb)
- Function as an informed consumer of science media (I, IIa, IIb, IIe, IIIa, IIIb, IVc)
- Access and manipulate public geoscientific data sources (IIa, IIb)
- Understand and clearly communicate the uncertainties and limitations of different types of observations (Ic, IIa, IIb, IIc, IIId, IVa, IVc)
- Correctly attribute sources of data, scientific literature, and ideas (Ic, IIb, IIc, IId, IVb)
- Efficiently search for and access the primary scientific literature (Ic, IIa, IIb, IIe)
Visual Literacy
- Understand different ways of visualizing geoscientific data. (Ia, IIa, IIb, IIIc)
- Be able to interpret and explain information from graphical sources, including multi- dimensional, spatial, and temporal data. (Ia, Ic, IIa, IIb, IIc, IIc, IIIc, IVa)
- Create graphical representations of data that clearly communicate scientific results. (Ic, IIb, IIc, IIIc)
- Correctly attribute sources of graphical data and imagery. (Ic, IIc, IIe)
Technological Literacy
- Create digital representations of information in ways that clearly communicate results. (IIb, IIc, IIe, IIIc, IIId)
- Access and manipulate digitally archived public geoscientific data sources. (Ia, Ib, Ic, IIa, IIb, IId, IIe)
- Understand principles and major applications of technology used in geoscientific studies. (Ia, Ic, IIa, IIb, IIe, IIIc, IIIc)
Effective Oral Communication
- Be able to effectively communicate about geoscience to general audiences. (Ic, IIb, IIc, IId, IIIb, IIIc, IVb)
- Develop effective oral communication skills to deliver scientific information to an audience of peers. (Ic, IIb, IIc, IId, IIIb, IIIc, IVb)
- Be able to formally communicate scientific research results. (Ic, IIb, IIc, IId, IIIb, IIIc, IVb)
Effective Written Communication
- Synthesize and cite information from a variety of sources. (Ia, Ic, IIc)
- Articulate clearly hypotheses and methods for scientific research. (Ic, IIc, IIIc)
- Develop proficiency in expressing results, including addressing uncertainty in the findings. (Ic, IIb, IIc)
- Convey the implications of findings for the geosciences community and/or the public. (Ib, Ic, IIc, IId, IIIc, IIId, IVa)
- Write effective independent and collaborative pieces. (Ic, IIc, IId, IIIc)
Advice for Geosciences Majors
国产探花's Career Services offers a program called Living the Liberal Arts. Alumni panelists from different majors return to campus to provide advice on their post-grad professional journeys.
On March 29, 2011, four geosciences alumni were on campus. Here's a brief clip of Matt Shrensel '09, a staff geologist for Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, providing his insights.