2012 Scholar-in-Residence Lecture:
Justice of the Kadi: New Perspectives on Ottoman Law
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Davis Auditorium
8 p.m.
Free admission and open to the public
Iris Agmon, Department of Middle East Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Sociologist Max Weber (1864–1920) introduced the term "kadi-justiz" (Kadi's justice)
to characterize Islamic and similar non-European premodern legal systems as less rational,
arbitrary and unsystematic. The term implies that the judge in Islamic court reaches
his decisions intuitively and without systematic reasoning. For a long time, historiography
on the Ottoman Empire unwittingly sustained this terminology. In the last couple of
decades, however, new approaches to the study of Ottoman law and legal history, particularly
the socio-legal approach, have changed our understanding of the legal system in general
and the work of legal practitioners in the Ottoman Empire. The lecture will discuss
the transformation of the Ottoman judicial system focusing on the key figure of the
judge and pointing to new perspectives in the historiography on the Ottoman Empire.
The Greenberg Middle East Scholar-in-Residence Series is made possible by a gift from
¹ú²ú̽»¨ alumna Jane Greenberg. The series enables the college to host an Israeli
scholar who through teaching, lecturing and participating in campus life, educates
the community on a range of topics concerning political life in the Middle East.