December 1, 2006
Gannett Auditorium
I. Approval of Minutes - November 3, 2006
II. President鈥檚 Report 鈥 Philip A. Glotzbach
III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report
I. Susan Kress 鈥 Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
II. Muriel Poston 鈥 Dean of the Faculty
IV. Reports
Athletics Council 鈥 Adrienne Zuerner
V. Old Business
I. CEPP 鈥 Beau Breslin 鈥 Amended Motion 鈥 Tenure Track Lines in ID Programs
II. CAPT 鈥 John Berman 鈥 Amended Motions to Faculty Handbook Language:
I. Procedures for Tenure Track Lines in ID Programs (to be moved only if the CEPP
motion carries)
II. Procedures for Granting Tenure
VI. New Business
FEC 鈥 Dan Curley 鈥 Motion - Faculty Handbook Parts One 鈥 Part Five
VII. Announcements
I. John Brueggemann 鈥 鈥湽交 Cares鈥
II. Kristie Ford/Joshua Woodfork on behalf of the Black Faculty and Staff Group 鈥
Upcoming Event
III. Michael Casey 鈥 Invitation to Community Reception in the Surrey on behalf of
the Advancement Office